All You Need to Know About Lip Piercings

Lip piercings started as ancient cultural practices but now are popular fashion statements for personal self expression. This guide explains everything about lip piercings including types procedures aftercare risks and even the cultural importance they have.
What is a Lip Piercing?
A lip piercing is where a small hole is made in or near the lips to insert jewelry. These piercings use items like studs rings or barbells that are designed to fit into the small hole created. Unlike regular ear piercings lip piercings can be placed in many areas giving more style options. You can have a lip piercing directly on the lip like an Ashley piercing or choose a vertical labret. Some piercings are placed around the mouth instead like snake bites or a Monroe piercing.
In history lip piercings meant a lot to many cultures as they showed beauty status or even spiritual beliefs. Today lip piercings are a popular fashion choice for people who want to show their creativity and personality.
Types of Lip Piercings
Lip piercings come in many styles which are all based on how they are placed near the mouth.
Labret piercing sits in the middle below the bottom lip and above the chin and is a super classic option. You can use many types of jewelry like labret studs and rings to make the labret piercing look unique.
Monroe piercing is inspired by Marilyn Monroe’s famous beauty mark and is placed above the upper lip on the left. A Monroe piercing usually uses a small stud which makes it look simple but also super fancy and glamorous.
Madonna piercing is like the Monroe but is on the right side above the upper lip and looks amazing. Both Madonna and Monroe piercings usually use labret studs which makes them stylish and popular choices for lip piercings.
Medusa (Philtrum) Piercing
Medusa piercing is placed in the philtrum the groove between the nose and upper lip it centers the face. This piercing is usually decorated with a labret stud which makes it a classic and noticeable option for piercings.
Jestrum piercing is called a vertical Medusa because it goes vertically through the philtrum with both ends showing outside the skin. People use a curved barbell for the Jestrum piercing which makes it unique and gives it an eye catching look.
Vertical labret piercing goes straight through the center of the lower lip both ends of jewelry show outside curved barbells are used.
Horizontal labret piercing is less common and goes sideways through the lower lip careful placement prevents problems barbells are used.
Snake bites are two piercings on opposite sides of the lower lip they look like fangs studs or rings decorate them.
Spider bites are two piercings close together on one side of the lower lip they look bold studs or rings are common.
Angel bites combine Monroe and Madonna piercings, two piercings go above the upper lip on both sides studs are common.
Dolphin bites are two piercings close together in the center of the lower lip they are similar to snake bites, studs are the usual choice for this piercing style.
Dahlia Piercings
Dahlia piercings, also called joker bites, are placed at the corners of the mouth, they create a bold unique look studs are typically used for this style.
Canine bites combine angel bites and snake bites, they include four piercings with two above and two below the lips, they create a bold symmetrical look, both studs and rings can be used.
Cyber bites combine a Medusa and labret piercing one is above the upper lip and one below studs are typical.
Shark bites expand on snake bites they include four piercings with two on each side of the lower lip they look bold and edgy studs or rings are popular jewelry options.
Ashley piercing goes through the center of the lower lip and exits inside the mouth, it usually features a labret stud for a unique and stylish look.
Lowbret piercing is a variation of the labret piercing placed lower near the chin, it uses a labret stud and creates a subtle but distinctive style.
Smiley piercing is on the thin tissue under the upper lip connecting to the gum, it shows only when smiling small rings or circular barbells are commonly used.
Frowny piercing is on the lower lip frenulum, which connects the lower lip to the gum, it also shows only when smiling small rings or circular barbells are typical for this style.
Side Effects of Lip Piercing
Lip piercings are a trendy way to show individuality but they have side effects that shouldn’t be ignored: infections can happen. The mouth has bacteria and this can go into the piercing area which makes it red sore puffy or even leak pus. Touching the piercing with hands that aren’t clean or not taking care of it right will make it worse too.
Sometimes after getting a piercing you might feel pain bruising or even swelling that doesn’t go away for a while. Some people can get allergic to the metal in the jewelry like nickel which can make the area itchy red or irritated. Lip piercings can hurt teeth and gums too like if the jewelry rubs against them which might crack teeth or mess up gums.
In some weird cases the piercing might move from its spot or mess with the nerves if done wrong. Following good care tips and picking high quality jewelry can help avoid a lot of these problems.
Pain and Healing Time
The pain of a lip piercing depends on your pain tolerance and the exact spot where it is done. Most lip piercings involve a sharp pinch when the needle goes through followed by soreness or tenderness for a while. Thicker or sensitive spots like the Medusa or Ashley piercing may hurt more than surface ones.
Healing for lip piercings usually takes 6 to 12 weeks but this depends on your immune system and care routine. Swelling light redness and sometimes bleeding is normal in the first few days after getting the piercing done. To help it heal avoid irritating it by staying away from spicy food or alcohol or smoking for a while.
Good aftercare like rinsing it with saline and not touching it helps make healing easier and faster. Staying patient and following the rules helps you heal safely and enjoy your piercing with no issues.
What Type of Jewelry is Used for a Lip Piercing?
The jewelry for a lip piercing depends on the style of piercing and where it is placed on the lip. Labret studs captive bead rings and curved or circular barbells are the most common types used for lip piercings.
Labret studs are popular because their flat backs help prevent gum and tooth irritation and they feel more comfortable. These studs come in different sizes and styles which makes them great for piercings like labret Monroe or Medusa ones.
Captive bead rings and seamless rings are chosen for piercings like snake bites or spider bites because they look smooth. Curved barbells are better for vertical piercings like the vertical labret or Jestrum since they fit the lip shape.
Safe materials like titanium surgical steel or bioplastics are the best because they lower the chance of allergies or infections. Using good quality jewelry helps with comfort healing and keeps your piercing healthy without causing extra problems.