How to Deal with Power Tripping during a Storm?

Heavy rains, strong winds, and thunderstorms accompany the advent of storms. Given these weather conditions, many folks experience power outages or power trips. While some of the power outages are beyond most people’s control, some measures can be undertaken to ensure safety and restore the power as fast as possible. One such service is provided by, which aids in storm power trip event recovery and ensures a safe electric system for your home.
Ensure Safety and Security
The first thing to do when a storm causes a power trip is to turn off anything that may be dangerous in case of a power surge, for example, ovens and space heaters. If there is too much strain or a short circuit, a power trip is likely to follow, and turning too many devices on at once amid a storm could worsen matters. Turn off the lights to avoid the inevitable power surge when the electricity is restored.
Inspect the Circuit Breaker Panel
The next step in this process is to move to the circuit breaker panel after securing your appliances, as the power trip during a storm can be attributed to the electrical system experiencing either a surge or short circuit. The switches may already be turned to the “off” position, a sign of a tripped switch. Assuming you have located such a switch, turn it back to the ‘on’ position.
Evaluate the Environment
External factors like falling branches, lightning, floods, and other events may intermittently induce a power cut-off or a trip. Step outside carefully and look around for evidence of physical damage. Report the circumstances to your nearest electric provider because they will have the necessary equipment and knowledge to remove the danger. If some internal electric concerns exist in your home or other concerns about home maintenance, please click .
Let the Electricity Come On
After switching off the breaker, observe whether the electricity returns after a while. If electricity is switched off, let’s say after the breaker was flipped to the ‘on’ position, there is a potential for a significant fault in the dwelling’s electrical wiring. Do not try to fix the problem alone—contacting an expert is advisable.
A power trip during a storm is joint but should always be handled carefully. By staying calm, assessing the situation, and calling a professional when needed, you can reduce the risk of damage and ensure your home’s safety.
Safety Tips
Follow the steps outlined below for your safety:
- Do not approach downed power lines.
- Do not be too quick to open the refrigerator or freezer.
- Make an alternate plan for medical equipment that requires power.
- Keep the contact details of your utility provider handy.
Consult a Licensed Electrician
If your power keeps tripping after a storm, you need to call a certified electrician. Persistent power tripping may suggest that you have a more significant problem, like a shortage in wiring, too many devices connected in one circuit, or even storm damage. PS Home Maintenance’s electricians have experience fixing electrical units and appliances in a storm and electrical services that may be needed, ensuring that those homes are safe and operational.
Reduce the Chances of Future Power Trips
After the storm has calmed and your power is back on, that’s a good time to prevent the overcurrent from occurring again shortly. Overcurrent protectors for sensitive appliances, updated wiring, and periodic electrical system maintenance can help prevent further problems during any later storms.
In conspectus, power cut-off during storms can be associated with panic, but proper measures can alleviate risks, and the time taken to restore power can also be efficient. Always be careful, and call for help from reputable people like those in PS Home Maintenance when in doubt.